Montessori Schools

Happy class of young pupils with their young female teacher working together in a classroom sharing a desk

Is Montessori Based in Science?

Montessori is an education method that values self-paced, hands-on learning. Dr. Maria Montessori is a scientist and doctor who observed children’s learning behaviors and created an education system that she claims is effective and backed by science. Montessori is based on science. Dr. Montessori observed and drew conclusions about the best ways children absorbed knowledge […]

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Is Montessori Good for Children with Special Needs?

Have you heard of the Montessori method and Montessori classrooms? Although Montessori classrooms are loved by many children, are they good for children who have special needs? Montessori is good for children with special needs. Montessori classrooms allow special needs children to feel comfortable and safe in a learning environment that is nurturing and understanding.

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Is Montessori Only for the Rich: Finding Affordable Options

Montessori education can seem very expensive, especially when you look at the tuition and fees for private Montessori schools. It can feel out of reach for a low-income family to provide a Montessori education for their kids, but it may not be as expensive as you think. Montessori is not only for rich families, it

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Are Montessori Schools Religious?

Montessori schools have a long history of providing unique teaching environments that help students succeed. However, because of its unique teaching style, some believe that Montessori schools are religious or teach religion. Montessori schools are not inherently religious and do not include any type of religious instruction in the course material. Most Montessori schools present

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How Do The Montessori Sandpaper Letters Work – All You Need To Know

Preschool is an important time in your child’s development, especially if you follow the Montessori method. Montessori encourages simple activities to help your child learn the basics of reading. One of the most accomplished reading materials developed by Maria Montessori is sandpaper letters.
You may have heard of the term before, but exactly are sandpaper letters? Keep reading to learn why you should be adding sandpaper letters to your child’s daily routine, and find out where you can find a quality set of your own.

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Do Montessori Students Do Better Than Traditional Students?

Montessori teaching is becoming increasingly more popular. There are now many schools dedicated completely to teaching children through the Montessori Method. Do children learn better through the Montessori Method or traditional teaching methods? Studies on students who are being taught through the Montessori Method show that its effectiveness is best when put in place for

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How Does Montessori Teach Music?

The Montessori method has had a significant impact on early education as we know it. While many know the fundamentals of Montessori learning, something less known is how they teach music. Maria Montessori, the founder of this learning method, felt that children learn best through their senses. The Montessori learning program adheres to the following

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