Montessori Schools

Montessori classroom

What Curriculum Do Montessori Schools Use?

Many visitors to Montessori school comment on how calm and relaxed children go about their daily activities. This inner harmony springs from the self-discipline gained from learning how to work with the didactic materials from each Montessori curriculum area.  Montessori schools use the five key areas of the Montessori curriculum: Practical Life Exercises, Sensorial Education, […]

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What Are Montessori Metal Insets?

One of the most frequent concerns parents have when deciding if Montessori is right for their child is a worry that the Montessori method doesn’t really teach “anything important.” While they’re excited about the social-emotional and life skills benefits of Montessori, they have difficulty understanding how children learn to read, write, and do simple calculations

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Does Montessori Use Discipline?

Most people equate the word discipline with punishment, but in reality, discipline means “disciplina,” a Latin word that means learning, self-control, knowledge, and an orderly way of life that formed the foundation of positive discipline in a Montessori environment. It is different from how we grew up. Some of us were accustomed to phrases like;

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What is the Role of Music and Movement in the Montessori Classroom?

Music and movement play an integral role in the Montessori classroom and, as such, are incorporated into daily activities. Music and movement receive the same attention in the Montessori classroom as other subjects in the curriculum, as they are considered equally important. Music and movement are integrated into the daily life of the Montessori classroom.

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Montessori Spindle Box

What is the Spindle Box in Montessori?

In the Montessori System, different materials are designed to engage the child mentally and physically. These materials are presented to the child to make them implement the concepts that they have learned in the class. One of such materials that Maria Montessori introduced to the world is called a spindle box. The spindle box is

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Montessori High School

Does Montessori Prepare Students for College?

If your child attends a Montessori school, you’ve likely experienced friends and family members coming to you to express concern that Montessori isn’t an adequate way to prepare children for college. You may have even had these doubts yourself! So, let’s see if we can settle this question once and for all: Do Montessori schools

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students playing music

What is Music and Movement in Early Childhood?

Introducing music and movement is essential during early childhood development. Music and movement activities help children develop problem-solving skills and encourage cognitive growth, self-expression, and social development. Music and movement in early childhood refer to activities that use music and movement. These can be activities that involve singing and dancing, or that have children create

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Montessori Color Tablets

How Color Tablets are Used in Montessori?

From an early age, young children are drawn to colorful things present in their environment. They love to touch them and find them visually appealing. This is why Maria Montessori’s method of education is all about letting the child observe the environment around them and learn from it. Color tablets are a sensorial material that

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What is Stereognostic Sense in Montessori?

In a Montessori classroom, young children are presented with different activities and opportunities to refine their senses. The Montessori directress encourages the children to perceive through their senses such as olfactory, visual, gustatory, and tactile senses. There is another sense that is present in almost all children and if it is harnessed, can enable the

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