Montessori Curriculum

Montessori shelves with shelf work

What is Montessori Shelf Work?

In the Montessori prepared environment, toys or activities are organized on the shelf according to the child’s age, interests, and needs. There are, for example, simple dressing frames that enable the child to learn how to button, zip, and lace clothes or shoes together. There are also color tablets that allow the child to recognize […]

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Montessori Map Puzzle

How Are Puzzles Used in Montessori?

From simple wooden shapes to 1000-piece jigsaws of the Eiffel Tower, puzzles are great toys for children of all ages! But are puzzles aligned with the Montessori method? The short answer is: Yes, puzzles are highly aligned to the Montessori method. Any Montessori toy should be simple, functional, based in reality, and (ideally) made of

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Can Montessori be Taught Online? Best at Home Learning Options

As homeschooling options become increasingly popular for families with younger elementary age kids, many different education methods are subsequently emerging. Some of the most popular options for at-home learning have been practiced for decades, and are just now becoming well known. The Montessori education approach is one of these methods. The Montessori education method can

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Mindfulness and Yoga Practices in Montessori

Yoga and children seem like they are opposites: one focuses on calming the mind and body, the other is often rambunctious and loves to play. Can children learn how to do yoga, and how are Montessori and yoga similar? Mindfulness and yoga practices in Montessori include teaching children how to do simple yoga poses and

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Happy class of young pupils with their young female teacher working together in a classroom sharing a desk

Is Montessori Based in Science?

Montessori is an education method that values self-paced, hands-on learning. Dr. Maria Montessori is a scientist and doctor who observed children’s learning behaviors and created an education system that she claims is effective and backed by science. Montessori is based on science. Dr. Montessori observed and drew conclusions about the best ways children absorbed knowledge

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Are Montessori Schools Religious?

Montessori schools have a long history of providing unique teaching environments that help students succeed. However, because of its unique teaching style, some believe that Montessori schools are religious or teach religion. Montessori schools are not inherently religious and do not include any type of religious instruction in the course material. Most Montessori schools present

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How Do The Montessori Sandpaper Letters Work – All You Need To Know

Preschool is an important time in your child’s development, especially if you follow the Montessori method. Montessori encourages simple activities to help your child learn the basics of reading. One of the most accomplished reading materials developed by Maria Montessori is sandpaper letters.
You may have heard of the term before, but exactly are sandpaper letters? Keep reading to learn why you should be adding sandpaper letters to your child’s daily routine, and find out where you can find a quality set of your own.

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